Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Creamsicle Shake

This evening I needed some motivation to do homework. And I said, Hey. There's still some ice cream in the freezer.
Don't look at me like that... I needed a reward for doing the dishes. And I didn't use too much ice cream... there wasn't that much left. ^_^

2 scoops ice cream
a little mandarin orange juice

combine; stir until delicious.

Hotty and I went to the Asian food market the other day and picked up some mandarin orange juice, among other things. I'd never had it, and upon trying it I discovered it to be like regular orange juice, except that it tastes good. :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I used a recipe I found in a blog; to avoid getting anyone mad at me (hopefully) I'll just post the link, as opposed to the recipe.


It went... ok. I was hindered by the fact that I didn't have any wax paper, as well as the fact that there's apparently an art to "dipping" that I just haven't mastered. In the end, I just spread the chocolate on top, like frosting. It seemed to work, although I ended up not having enough chocolate. There were a few naked ones.

Were I to try again, I think I'd melt the chocolate in the microwave (I used a double boiler; didn't really do it for me) and be sure to buy wax paper before I start. It probably makes a difference in how easy it feels, if nothing else.

Happy note: I got to use my KitchenAide while making these cookies. That always makes me happy, especially as this one appears not to be broken.