So, using this tutorial, I went ahead and made one! What do you think??
It's reversible; the other side is brown, and instead of bothering with troublesome things like measuring and cutting to make the cover short enough (it's quite tall), I folded the bottom up a couple times to make a cute cuff! So that you can see both fabrics at one time, and admire how well they go together. :)
Also, you might notice what's sitting on the table next to my sewing machine. Those would be bookmarks.
When I got married, my cousins got together and gave me some scrapbooking supplies. Which, to be honest, I don't really... well, scrapbooking just isn't my thing. Sorry, Mom. Anyway, included with those supplies were these really pretty pages of what looked like scrapbook paper, but were actually stickers. AND the awesome patterns were accompanied by coordinating solids. ^_^
Very cool! I love the fabric that you used!
I've been wondering about the sewing machine cover as well. I like your cuff idea. I may need to copy.
I love your sewing machine cover! I haven't even thought about making one, but I guess that I should since it just sits out in the open all day. Way to go on yours!
What an attractive sewing machine cover - I love these fabrics. You're right, the cuff really makes it!
I'm also linking to the Somewhat Simple blog party. Check it our if you get a chance (
Look at YOU, you classy crafty woman you.
I'm jealous. Hey, if I move to Salt lake next year...could happen'll show me how? eh? When did you get a sewing machine?
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